Naples, FL 34114
ph: 412-760-2481
The following materials are available for purchase to replace missing parts to a Kit or to create more simulation opportunities! If using a *Purchase Order, see instructions below:
Visual Acuity Simulations:
20/70 (6/20)
20/100 6/30)
20/200 (6/60)
20/300 (6/90)
20/400 (6/120)
20/500 (6/150)
20/600 (6/180)
20/700 (6/210)
20/800 (6/240)
Field Restriction Simulations:
Hemianopsia Lenses
Eye Condition Simulations:
Macular Degeneration (Near)
Macular Degeneration (Distance)
Light Perception
Light Projection
Miscellaneous Parts:
Black Occluder Lenses
Carrying Case
Foam Insert
For Canadian, Hawaiian, Alaskan or International orders:
Please contact us at
PRIOR to placing your order to obtain the correct shipping amount.
There are four ways to order:
1) To order with a credit card
or to use PayPal, visit our Store.
2) To order with a Purchase Order Please complete the Purchase Order or the Accessible Price List/Order Form and submit along with the PO. You can scan both the PO and the Order Form and attach them to an email. You will be invoiced after the materials have been shipped.
3.) You can send money with Zelle®. After you've enrolled, simply add, the amount you'd like to send, review and add a memo, and hit “confirm. Then send us an Accessible Price List/Order Form filled out with your order.
4.) You can send money with Venmo, all you have to do is select the “Pay/Request” button at the bottom of the Venmo app. On the next page, you input the username @lowvisionsimulationkit, the amount and a note. Then, you just have to tap “Pay,” and the payment will immediately go to the us. Then send us an Accessible Price List/Order Form filled out with your order.
For Speedier Deliveries:
The standard delivery time for shipments within the Continental U.S. is 3 to 5 days. For speedier delivery please Contact Us
to submitting an order to obtain special delivery charges.
Copyright 2013 Zimmerman Low Vision Simulation Kit. All rights reserved.
Naples, FL 34114
ph: 412-760-2481